CBI USA - Package Forwarding, US Shipping Address, US Mailbox Rental Services




Weekday hours are 10am until 2pm Monday, Tues, Wed, Friday




CBI provides a physical US Shipping Address where you can have your purchases shipped & stored. Follow 4 easy steps.

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Location & Hours:

1342 Military Rd

Niagara Falls, NY 14304

Our normal hours are

Mon 10-2

Tues 10-2

Wed 10-2

Fri 10-2

Thurs. 10AM-6PM

Open last Saturday

of each month

9AM - 1PM

Don’t forget to

schedule your

pickup on the

tracking page

24 hours in


Next Holiday Closing:

See FAQs for entire list of

Holiday closings 2025

Next Holiday closings

Friday, April 18th

Good Friday

Trusted for over 30 years, CBI specializes in providing Canadian businesses & individuals in the Ontario area US Shipping Address & US Mailbox Rental services. We offer the perfect temporary spot to store your US purchases & regular mail until you’re ready to pick them up.

I want to ship valuable packages to CBI. Do you provide any sort of insurance guarantee?

All packages and skids received and signed for by CBI, include CBI's exclusive FULL replacement guarantee:

If we are unable to find your package or it is damaged while in the care of CBI we will replace the item or provide 100% of the items value at our discretion.

Note: All claims can take up to 30 day to investigate and proper claim documentation detailing the contents and value of the package are required.

Do not trust your purchases with any less of a liability policy!

What does it cost for CBI to receive my package?

For all your normal everyday standard size packages weighing less than 70 pounds and less than 84 inches (Length + Girth) you can pick from one of the following options:

Option #1: Per package plan – $6.00 USD per package

Option #2: Annual discount plan – Pay $125 USD and receive unlimited packages for only $2.00 per package for 12 months.

If you plan to receive more than 32 packages per year Option #2 is the better value!

Both plans include 180 days of free storage. We will hold your package for as long as you would like beyond the 180 days of free storage. However, a $0.15 + Tax per day, per package charge will apply and you will need to pay for your storage fees on a monthly basis using a Credit Card or PayPal account through our automated tracking system.

Please Note: Failure to pay your storage fees by the 15th of the month will result in your package being liquidated as we see fit and you will not be entitled to compensation.

What if my package weighs more than 70 pounds or is over 84 inches (Length + Girth)?

CBI can still receive your package, however, in addition to the payment option you selected above, additional oversize charges will apply.

We consider a standard package to be a box that weighs less than 70 pounds and has dimensions of less than 84 inches which we calculate by measuring the longest side of the package and the overall girth (dimensions around the box on the narrower side)

If either the weight or dimensions equal or exceed the 70 pound or 84 inch limit the higher additional fee applies as follows:

Packages Weighing 70 pounds or over 84 inches = $5.50 USD additional charge
Packages Weighing 90 pounds or 108 inches = $11.00 USD additional charge

Please Note: Freight Deliveries (EXTRA LARGE PKGS. NOT ON SKIDS BUT DELIVERED BY FREIGHT) = $20.00 USD Additional per package PLUS $2.00+tax storage fee per night.

Standard Vehicle Tires $6.00 USD Additional Charge

What do I need to do to pick up my packages?

You should check our automated tracking system to verify that we have received and processed your package. Please be aware that just because your tracking number shows as received by CBI on the shippers website does not mean your package is ready for pickup.

We receive thousands of packages per day and each one must be logged and barcoded in to our system before it can be picked up.

Once you see that the package was received in the automated tracking system please feel free to stop by our warehouse during normal business hours to pick up your packages. We would ask that if you have 3 or more packages to pickup that you please schedule an appointment using our automated tracking system. You may be requested to show your government issued Photo ID or Passport to pick up your packages.

We accept USD Cash, Canadian Cash and most Canadian Credit Cards with the Visa or Mastercard Logo. Please note that we do not accept PIN based or Interac only debit cards.

If you are sending someone else to pickup your packages they must:

  • Present a governement issued Photo ID
  • Know your PMB #
  • Your Name as it appear on the account
  • Have the full tracking numbers for all of the packages they are picking up.

  • What if I come in and request to pickup a package and ultimately decide not to take it with me that day?

    No problem. We will gladly take it back. However, the standard receiving fee of $2.00 or $6.00 (or appropriate skid charge) will need to be paid again when you ultimately pick up the package. Also please note that storage fees and storage policy still apply from the date the package was originally receivied by CBI. Not the date when it was reshelved.

    I am planning to pickup a lot of packages. Can CBI have them ready for me ahead of time?

    If you have more than 3 packages to pickup we request that you log in to our automated tracking system system and request to have your packages prepulled to help speed up the pickup process. Please note that all prepull requests must be received via the automated tracking system phone or email requests will not be honored.

    Can CBI receive normal letter mail for me?

    CBI will receive and retain regaular US Postal Mail for CBI customers that have a PMB # for up to 180 days. We only will receive normal letters and envelopes. Catalogs and other junk mail will not be retained. If you only receive mail (no packages) and do not have our annual discount plan (Option 2 above) please be aware there is a fee of $6.00 USD per mail pickup (not per piece). If you have our annual discount plan this fee does not apply.

    Please be aware that any letter mail that has a credit card in it or any kind of product inside the envelope, will be inbounded at $2.00 per piece, so we have a record of it. Regardless if there is a tracking number on it or not. This will ensure that you can track it on our site and see a photo of it as well for your convenience.

    Does CBI provide Outbound Shipping Services?

    CBI is happy to ship anything for you as long as you provide a prepaid shipping label.

    Can CBI receive larger items that are unprotected (Unboxed, Unskidded, Unwrapped, etc. such as furniture, appliances mounted trophies)?

    Yes, we can receive these type of shipments. However, additional fees will apply at CBI's discretion as shipments of this type require extra manpower to handle and require extra care be taken to prevent damage to your item. If you have any questions it is best to email us ahead of time to discuss what you are looking to ship so that we can give you our best estimate ahead of time

    Can CBI receive and store full skids?

    Yes, CBI can handle your skid shipments.  However, skids are not covered under your normal package plan and have their own fee structure which includes a base receiving charge plus a nightly storage fee that starts on the first night we receive it.

    We consider a standard skid to take up a 4 foot wide x 4 foot deep x 4 foot high area.  If your skid exceeds those dimensions (in any direction) you will be charged additional fees.

    Option #1 Per Package Plan customers pay $35.00 USD to receive with a $2.50 USD per night storage fee. For each dimension that exceeds 4 feet an additional $17.50 USD charge applies to cover up to two additional feet to receive it and an additional $1.25 USD per night storage fee will also apply.

    Option #2 Annual Discount Plan customers pay $30.00 USD to receive with a $2.50 USD per night storage fee. For each dimension that exceeds 4 feet an additional $15.00 USD charge applies to cover up to two additional feet to receive it and an additional $1.25 USD per night storage fee will also apply.

    Here are some examples of how the skid and storage fees apply.

    Example 1: CBI receives a standard skid that measures 4 feet wide x 4 feet deep x 4 feet high skid on September 1st.  You pick it up on September 3rd (2 Nights)

      Option 1 Option 2
    Base Receiving Fee $35.00 $30.00
    Base Storage Fee $5.00 $5.00
    Total Cost $40.00 $35.00

    Example 2: CBI receives a skid that measures 6 feet wide x 4 feet deep x 4 feet high skid on September 1st.  So, your skid exceeds the standard width dimension by two feet.  You still pick it up on September 3rd (2 Nights):

      Option 1 Option 2
    Base Receiving Fee $35.00 $30.00
    Extra 2 Feet Receiving Fee $17.50 $15.00
    Base Storage Fee ($2.50 Per Night) $5.00 $5.00
    Extra 2 Feet Storage Fee ($1.25 Per Night) $2.50 $2.50
    Total Cost $60.00 $52.50

    Example 3: CBI Receives what we consider a double skid that measures 8 feet wide x 4 feet deep x 4 feet high on September 1st.  So your skid will be required to pay two extra 2 feet receivings charges and two extra 2 feet nightly storage fees. For this example we still assume you will pick it up on September 3rd (2 Nights):

      Option 1 Option 2
    Base Receiving Fee $35.00 $30.00
    Extra 2 Feet Receiving Fee $17.50 $15.00
    Exta 2 Feet Receiving Fee $17.50 $15.00
    Base Storage Fee ($2.50 Per Night) $5.00 $5.00
    Extra 2 Feet Storage Fee ($1.25 Per Night) $2.50 $2.50
    Extra 2 Feet Storage Fee ($1.25 Per Night) $2.50 $2.50
    Total Cost $80.00 $70.00

    Can CBI receive other types of items such as Cars, Trucks, Boats etc?

    Yes, in many cases we can. However, before shipping please give us a call at 716-282-7447 to discuss what you would like to ship to our warehouse and we can provide you with a custom quote.

    1342 Military Rd, Niagara Falls, New York 14304
    Phone 716.282.7447 - Fax 716.282.8632

    Ontario’s Amerifriend Since 1987

    © 2018 CBI USA. All Rights Reserved. CBI Privacy Policy.